Watch me in my kitchen a place where i prepare the finest of meals. Your meal isnt going to need any ingredients because its all being prepared right inside that arse of mine. Cooked to perfection. But your going to need something to wash it down with right? so i pee into a wine glass for you to sip my nectar. Now i think your meal is all cooked and ready to go i bend over and make you watch as i prepare it nicely onto a plate. My arsehole gapes open showing you your large raw shit inside of me and i slowly push the big logs out onto a plate.. With a thud they fall onto the plate one by one. I show you your perfect meal.. and then tell you how to sniff it, lick it, chew and swallow this delicacy down the back of your throat. I want your teeth tearing apart the undigested vegetable skins and let them glide down into that stomach. I want you to enjoy every mouth all as this is a true delicacy one you cant get in any original restaurant. The finest of meals cooked to your taste
There are a lot of videos on the Internet when two girls kiss with shit in their mouth . Such a kiss between a man and a girl is more rare. Besides the shit kiss in this video there will be a passionate licking of the male ass before the birth of shit and after, sucking dick with shit in the mouth, some vomiting. In general today, I obediently and with pleasure did everything that my friend wanted! Games with shit - the most cool game in this world
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